
Arthropoda -> Insecta -> Hymenoptera -> Aculeata -> Formicoidea -> Formicidae

I haven’t photographed ants nearly enough yet - probably because they never seem to stand still for a second! These charismatic, social insects are among the most abundant insects in the world. Like earthworms and termites, they are considered ‘Ecosystem Engineers’, because they have a big impact on the environment and other organisms around them. Their nest building and foraging activities can positively impact soil structure, air and water infiltration and nutrient cycling, but as predators they also impact on local soil biodiversity. However not all ants are predatory - some are herbivores, others are considered omnivores, and some even ‘farm’ aphids for sugary secretions! I promise to take more ant macrophotographs soon, but in the meantime do go and read some more about these amazing creatures!


Woodlice (Oniscidea)


Millipedes (Diplopoda)